W4, Widerstandsnest 4 – Stützpunkt Etacquerel
Although this was designated as a Stützpunkt the German military used a consecutive number system this resistance nest was designated W4 – Widerstandsnest number 4.
On the north side of St Ouen’s Bay in Jersey UK lies Stützpunkt Etacquerel, opposite of Widerstandsnest L ‘Oeiliere at the most southern tip of the bay.
This strongpoint consisted of WaKoFest Jägerstand with a 10,5 cm K331 (f) gun a Regelbau 670 gun stand with the second 10,5 cm K331 (f) French Skoda gun. A light mortal, 5 cm Leichte Granatwerfer, a machine gun stand – Tobruk a Sechs Schartenstand – a bunker with a metal machine gun turret and six firing holes and a search light garage for a 60 cm search light.
Next to the two French 10,5 cm guns there were four MG 34 Machineguns, the 5 cm mortar, a 3,7 KwK 144 (f) french gun with machine gun.
This is one of the locations a tunnel was dug on the Isle. The holeganganlage was dug between the R 670 bunker and the Scheinwerfergarage, the Search light garage.
Stützpunkt Etacquerel lies below Coastal Battery Moltke and the M2a observation post. The Fire control and Observation post M2a can be seen from Stützpunkt Etacquerel’s Jägerstand.
Park your car in front of the Jägerstand to look around. The Regelbau 670 bunker is sealed up and the Jägerstand is in private use.