Stützpunkt Tørring or Törring lies at the Limfjord between the Danish towns Torring and Underbjerg west of Lemvig. After a visit from Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel in December 1943 it was decides that the entrance to the Limfjord and the harbor of Lemvig needed better protection. The entrance to the Limfjord was protected on the seaside by two coastal batteries named Stützpunkt Agger-Batterie and Stützpunktgruppe Thyborøn. The Limfjord needed better coverage on the Thyborøn Kanal from within.
Stützpunkt Tørring
Construction of the four gun casemates, with Regelbau number 669, started in the spring of 1944. Construction took place from June to November 1944. There was a short concrete road behind the four gun positions to an open gun emplacement, not showing on the Bauwfortschittskarte. These open gun emplacements behind the casemates gave the guns the opportunity to shoot 360 degrees. Stützpunkt Tørring had several smaller brick or concrete positions in the vicinity of the large coastal guns in their bunkers. Five Ringständ for MG und Leichter Granatwerfer (Tobruk) Regelbau Vf58c were built for machineguns and light mortars. Eight munition storages were planned but not poured.
Stützpunkt Tørring was part of Heeres Küsten Artillerie Regiment 180, short H.K.A.R. 180. Every subdepartment had its own number, Stützpunkt Tørring was 19./H.K.A.R. 180.
The main armament consisted of four 12,2 cm K390 (r) guns, these Russian (r) guns were taken while the German armies invading Soviet territory in 1941. These guns had an maximum firing range of 20,4 kilometers and an trained crew fired 3 to 4 rounds a minute. Original the Russians named the gun 122mm divisional gun M1931/37 (A-19) developed in the 1930s. it was used in vehicles like the IS-2 and IS-3 tanks and the ISU-122 self propelled gun.
A list of all weaponry and support used at Stützpunkt Tørring:
– Four 12,2 cm K390 (r) guns – Artillery guns
– Two 7,62 cm Pak 39 (r) – Anti-tank guns
– Two 2 cm Flak 38 – Anti-aircraft guns
– Two 5 cm KwK, Kampfwagenkanone
– Six 8 cm Grw – Granatwerfer – Mortars
– Three 8,8 R.Pz.B. 54 Panzerschreck 8,8 cm Raketen Panzer Büchse 54 – German Bazooka’s
– Multiple MG 42 Machinegewehr – the infamous MG 42 buzzsaw
– One 60 cm Sw – Scheinwerfer (searchlight)
– One 150 cm Sw – Scheinwerfer (searchlight)
The four Regelbau 669 gun positions were free to visit in 2023, on the other side of the road new buildings were built.
The smaller and lighter constructions were demolished.