This division sign painted on a rock wall near the Lamprechtshöhle on the road between Weissbach bei Lofer and St. Martin bei Lofer, Austria, was left by the US 42nd Rainbow Division to mark their route across Europe in World War Two. The 42nd painted their division sign on multiple locations during their advance through France, Germany and Austria between 1944 and 1945.

In early May 1945, hundreds of US trucks moved over the Kniepass on the federal road 178 towards Unken. This sign marks their final location at the end of WW2.
In the summer of 2010, the faded rainbow on the Kniepass was renewed. The text on the memorial plaque says:
Zur Erinnerung an der 08.05.1945
Hier standen bei Kriegsende die Angriffsspitzen der 42. Infanterie Division (Rainbow Division) der US-Army und verewigten dieses historische Ereignis mit ihrem Divisionsabzeichen am Felsen.
“Steine können sprechen, sie erzählen van heroischen Taten und Schlachten, man muss ihnen nur zuhören.”
Die Soldaten der Jägerkompanie, Anton Mallner Kaserne Saalfelden, am 08.05.2010
In English:
To commemorate May 8, 1945
At the end of the war, the attack spearheads of the 42nd Infantry Division (Rainbow Division) of the US Army stood here and immortalized this historic event with their division insignia on the rock.
“Stones can speak, they tell of heroic deeds and battles, you just have to listen to them.”
The soldiers of the Jägerkompanie, Anton Mallner barracks in Saalfelden, on May 8, 2010
The red, yellow and blue rainbow, is looked after as a historical monument by the Kniepass Fortress Museum Association of Unken.

You can visit this location near the entrance of the Lamprechtshöhle cave system. Follow the small road from the entrance to the right just above the parking lot.
Dear LandMarkScout
Please may I ask if there is a list of the 42nd Rainbow Division markings across France, Germany and Austria? If so I would very much like to see the list please.
A speedy reply would be very much appreciated, thank you.
I look forward to hearing from you.
My very best wishes.
Jed Stuehmeyer
Hi Jed,
I hope this is speedy enough. Unfortunately we cannot provide you with a list. We stumbled upon this marking during our travels in Austria.
You might get the information through the website of the division, as it is still active: