Marine Küstenbatterie Tirpitz – Coastal Battery Tirpitz Altantic Wall Museum Raversijde Belgium

Atlantic Wall Museum Raversijde - Battery Tirpitz
Atlantic Wall Museum Raversijde – Battery Tirpitz

MarineKüstenBatterie Tirpitz

The Coastal Battery Tirpitz started out with the name MKB Saltwedel neu. It is an old naval battery which originated in 1941 within this year the name changed to Tirpitz.
The battery was built on the royal grounds of Prins Karel from Belgium. It is because of Prince Karel that the battery is unique for he preserved Battery Tirpitz on his grounds. The bunkers outside the royal grounds have mostly disappeared.

Atlantic Wall Museum Raversijde - Battery Tirpitz
Atlantic Wall Museum Raversijde – Battery Tirpitz
Atlantic Wall Museum Raversijde - Battery Tirpitz
Atlantic Wall Museum Raversijde – Battery Tirpitz
Atlantic Wall Museum Raversijde - 2cm Flak 28 Oerlikon
Atlantic Wall Museum Raversijde – 2cm Flak 28 Oerlikon

In 1944 four Regelbau R674 gun bunkers were built on Battery Tirpitz to defend the seaward approach of the port of Ostend. The four Belgian 12cm guns were replaced and the Kriegsmarine placed four 10.5cm SK Cu/U32 submarine guns instead within the new Regelbau R674 bunkers.
Secondary armament consisted of multiple 7,5cm and 7,62cm guns, Anti tank guns, Air defence guns,  Wurfrahmen (launch frame for rockets), Machine Guns and Searchlights.

Battery Tirpitz - Radar in the Atlantic Wall Musuem
Battery Tirpitz – Radar in the Atlantic Wall Museum
Battery Tirpitz - Coastal Defence
Battery Tirpitz – Coastal Defence

Battery Tirpitz was manned by 152 soldiers in 1944 with mr. Koppe as their commander.


Today Battery Tirpitz is the Atlantic Wall Museum Raversijde and well worth a visit.

Battery Tirpitz at the end of the day
Battery Tirpitz at the end of the day

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