Martin Bormann’s Gutshof in Berchtesgaden Germany

Martin Bormann Gutshof Berchtesgaden Obersalzberg Germany
Martin Bormann Gutshof Berchtesgaden Germany

Driving from Berchtesgaden to the Obersalzberg, a few hunderd meters before the guardhouse foundations of Hitler’s Berghof, you can see the Gutshof on your left hand side.

A model farm

The Gutshof, or “The Manor” in English, is a creation of Martin Bormann who, with his agricultural education, had a chance to design his dream farm while rearranging the Obersalzberg for Hitlers Henchmen. He always wanted to build a super farm and being Hitler’s right hand gave him access to the NSDAP funds which provided an almost unlimited cash flow.

The Gutshof was a prototype farm that should be set up all over the Ukraine, and provide Germany with grain, vegetables and meat. The farm on the Obersalzberg had 70-80 horses in ultra modern stables, 100 pigs, and 80 cows. The Manor had about 70 hectares of farmlands on the Obersalzberg.

Martin Bormann was a former steward of an estate and considered himself an expert on agriculture. Though on a thousand meters above sea level, the Obersalzberg wasn’t as productive as the expert expected. Still, the Gutshof was fruitful in making cider from apples bought from various German farms throughout the country. The cider was sold for a reasonable amount and this helped keeping the farm running. This also allowed members of the NSDAP to continue drinking cider on their holy mountain.

Martin Bormann Gutshof Berchtesgaden Obersalzberg
Martin Bormann’s Gutshof, a super farm on the Obersalzberg at Berchtesgaden, Germany
Martin Bormann Gutshof Berchtesgaden Germany now
Martin Bormann’s Gutshof at Berchtesgaden, Obersalzberg, Germany


Below are the reminders of the Teugelbrunn road. A former downhill road towards the Gutshof, leading to the meadows behind the building. There used to be a SS guardhouse near this gate.

Teugelbrunn road Berchtesgaden Germany Berghof
Teugelbrunn road – Berchtesgaden, Germany


Today Bormann’s Gutshof is part of an exclusive resort with a golf course, winter sports facilities, a hotel and a restaurant. Check their website for more information.
A few hundred meters up the same road is the former house and atelier of Albert Speer.

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