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Address: Pniewo 1, 66-300, Poland | Coordinates: 52.3724121, 15.5047806 | Open in Google Maps
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An overview of World War Two related sites nearby this location within a maximum radius of 150 kilometers.

The Ostwall: Oder-Warthe-Bogen - Fortification Museum Pniewo, Poland

Festungsfront Oder-Warthe-Bogen, Panzerwerk 717 - Werkgruppe Scharnhorst - Międzyrzecz, Polen

Regelbau 58C - M.G. Ringstand für 2 Mann - German Machinegun Tobruk at Pz.W. 717

Höckerlinie - German Dragon's Teeth Fortification - Between Panzerwerk 716 and 717 Oder-Warthe-Bogen

Hohlgangsystem - Festungsfront Oder-Warthe-Bogen

Festungsfront Oder-Warthe-Bogen, Panzerwerk 716 - Werkgruppe Scharnhorst - Międzyrzecz, Polen

Festungsfront Oder-Warthe-Bogen, Panzerwerk 719 - Werkgruppe Gneisenau - Międzyrzecz, Polen

Festungsfront Oder-Warthe-Bogen, Panzerwerk 720 - Werkgruppe Gneisenau – Międzyrzecz, Polen

Festungsfront Oder-Warthe-Bogen, Panzerwerk A8 West – Werkgruppe York - Nipter Schleife – Nietoperek, Poland

Festungsfront Oder-Warthe-Bogen, Panzerwerk 722 - Werkgruppe York – Nietoperek, Poland

M36B1 Tank Destroyer - 90 mm Gun Motor Carriage

The Fifty - The Great Escape - Zagan, Poland

Russian Cemetery Stalag Luft III - Zagan, Poland

The Great Escape, Stalag Luft III - Zagan, Poland

Arbeitseinsatz II - Forced Labour at Sigla in Poland

Arbeitseinsatz - Forced labour at the Sigla Sicherheitsglas G.m.b.H. company in Gross Kunzendorf N.L. - Poland

Lager Koralle – German Kriegsmarine Headquarters OKM – Lanke, Germany

Commonwealth War Graves: Zehrensdorf Indian Cemetery, Germany

OKH Headquarters Maybach I and the Zeppelin bunker - Wünsdorf-Zossen, Germany

Air Raid Shelter Towers of the Winkel Type - Wünsdorf-Zossen, Germany

Joseph Goebbels House, Waldhof am Bogensee - Villa Bogensee North of Berlin - Bogensee, Germany

Topographie Des Terrors, former Gestapo and SS Headquarters - Berlin, Germany

The Führerbunker under the Reich's Chancellery - Wilhelmstrasse, Berlin, Germany