The Ostwall: Oder-Warthe-Bogen – Fortification Museum Pniewo, Poland

Festungsfront Oder-Warthe-Bogen

Impact on cupola at Oder-Warthe-Bogen in Pniewo Poland
Impact on cupola at Oder-Warthe-Bogen in Pniewo, Poland

The Festungsfront Oder-Warthe-Bogen (OWB) or in Polish; Międzyrzecki Rejon Umocniony (MRU), is a fortified defense-line and part of a larger network of fortifications, bunkers and observation posts along the Oder and Warthe rivers, near the former border of Germany with Poland and Czechoslovakia before the outbreak of WW2. The fortifications were built between 1934 and 1938, with Oder-Warthe-Bogen as the middle section (construction started in 1936) to connect the fortifications of the “Pommernstellung” in the North and the “Oderstellung” to the South-East. These defense lines were meant to halt an “invasion” from the East and this is why the defense lines are better known as the “Ostwall” or “East Wall”.

It is pretty obvious that the plans and tactics of OWB are very much inspired by the Maginot Line in France, which was seen as an example of modern fortification during that time. Typical for these fortifications or in German “Panzerwerke” (Pz.W) of the central section of OWB is that they are all (21) interconnected by a 30 km long underground tunnel system called “Hohlgangsystem” of which around 20 km was fitted with small tracks for the use of electric trains for fast transportation of men and equipment.

Most Panzerwerke of the central section were large rectangular shaped type B (1.5 m wall thickness) concrete bunkers. Designed as self sufficient closed combat quarters, the Panzerwerke housed crew quarters, sanitary amenities, machine rooms and ammunition storage next to the standard armament consisting of 1 or more Type 20P7 “6-Schartenturms” (Eng: 6 embrasured armored turrets) for 2 MG’s, a Type 438P01 armored infantry observation cupola, a type 424 P01 armored turret for a M19 “Maschinengranatwerfer” or semi-automatic 5 cm mortar (max. range 600m and 360° radius), a type 420P9 “Stahlring” (Eng: Steel mantle) for a FN Gerät “Festungsflammenwerfer” or fixed telescopic flame thrower (max. range 60m and 360° radius) and a type 7P7 armor plated MG stand in flanking position to protect the bunker entrance.

The Ostwall vs the Festungsfront Oder-Warte-Bogen

The Festungsfront Oder-Warte-Bogen defensive line is wrongly referred to as the Ostwall. This “Eastern wall”, originally called the Panther-Wotan line, lies a few 100 kilometers to the west from the Oder-Warte-Bogen. The original Ostwall was a long defensive line running from the Baltic Sea.  Estonia, in the north to the Baltic sea, Ukraine, in the south.
After the Second World War the name became popular and was linked to the Oder-Warthe-Bogen.The name is so well accepted that an internet search is more likely to indicate the Oder-Warthe-Bogen than the Panther-Wotan line as the Ostwall.

The Oder-Warthe-Bogen is made up of 106 large bunkers with multiple weapons per bunker. These bunkers are divided into 13 Werkgruppe (Eng.Work group). One Werkgruppe therefore retained several bunkers together with defensive options such as machine gun bunkers such as Tobruks, an anti-tank ditch, a Höckerlinie (Dragon Teeth obstacles), barbed wire barriers and minefields. Part of the Werkgruppe were connected to a tunnel system with training stations named in alphabetical order from north to south.

Oder-Warthe-Bogen map of Werkgruppe Scharnhorst

Oder-Warthe-Bogen map of Werkgruppe Scharnhorst and the tunnel system – Pniewo, Poland

Fortification Museum in Pniewo, Poland

Fortification Museum Oder Warthe Bogen in Pniewo Poland
The exhibition space of the Fortification Museum in Pniewo Poland

The structures of Festungstellung Oder-Warthe-Bogen are scattered over the countryside, stretching over an area of many kilometers. Although it is very tempting (and not without any danger) to just get out there and explore the bunkers on your own, we would like to recommend the guided tours of the museum as a start.

They will not only show you the relatively small but very informative exhibition they have about the Ostwall and the Oder-Warthe-Bogen, but they can also take you on a tour inside Pz.W 716 and Pz.W 717, which are part of the “Werkgruppe Scharnhorst” section (OWB is divided into 13 of these “Werkgruppen”) and provide a walk down the Hohlgangsystem or tunnel system including a visit to Bahnhof “Heinrich” (Station) and the corridor connecting both Panzerwerke. These Panzerwerke are situated next to the museum grounds.

Tours can be taken with German or English speaking guides on set times. This will give you a chance to familiarize yourself with the Pz.W structures and (may you have not done your homework) get the chance to ask questions about the fortifications and the area. Guides are often locals here and can provide useful tips about where to go on your own (or the best place to eat at Pniewo or Kalawa!).

Dragon teeth at Pniewo Poland
A Hockerlinie or “Dragon Teeth” anti tank line just outside the museum grounds at Oder-Warthe-Bogen Pniewo-Poland. At the top-right you can see the green armored cupola’s of Pz.W 717.

The museum also has some field guns and other stuff on display outside, though most of this is from the Cold War era.

T34-85 tank

T34-85 tank at Oder-Warthe-Bogen in Pniewo Poland
T34-85 tank of the museum at Oder-Warthe-Bogen in Pniewo, Poland

Something that is of the WW2 era and very hard to miss is the T34-85 on it’s front lawn. The tank is in a good condition.

T34-85 tank in Pniewo, Poland
Another view of the T34-85 tank in Pniewo, Poland

Monument for the 44th Guards Armoured Brigade

This monument is dedicated to the soldiers of the 44th Guards Armoured Brigade who lost their lives during the attack on OWB on the 30th of January 1945. Even though the Red Army managed to break through the line in just three days, the number of casualties was considerable. This stone is next to the road near the museum. You will pass it when you are walking towards Pz.W 717.

Monument for the 44th Guards Armoured Brigade at Oder-Warthe-Bogen Poland
Monument for the fallen soldiers of the 44th Guards Armoured Brigade at Oder-Warthe-Bogen, Poland

Visit the Fortification Museum in Pniewo

For more information about the museum’s guided tours, exhibition and opening hours, please visit their website at

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