Defense Technology Museum – Koblenz, Germany

Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung - Koblenz
Die Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung in Koblenz, Germany

Situated in the German city of Koblenz is “Die Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung” or in English “The Scientific Collection of Defense Engineering Specimens” or “Defense Technology Museum”.
The museum has an impressive exhibition space of 7,200 square metres and is thus one of the largest technically oriented collections in Germany. It was founded in 1962 as a part of the organization of “the Federal Office of Defense Technology and Procurement” (BWB).

UPDATE: From 19 June 2023 the WTS Museum is opened again for ALL visitors!

The museum has a large exhibition area, showing lots of different pieces of equipment, weapon systems and many other things. Although the museum doesn’t focus on World War II specifically, the number and quality of the items on display of this period are impressive, to say the least.

On display

The main exhibition focuses on the following categories divided over three floors:

  • Hand and machine guns
  • Artillery technology
  • Ammunition
  • Missile technology
    They have a Henschel HS 293 V4 guided missile
  • Anti-Armor weapons
  • Wheeled and tracked vehicles, engineer and recovery technology
    They have lots of beautifully restored unique vehicles, but amongst them is an eight ton (armoured) Kraus- Maffei medium halftrack mounted with a 20 mm Flakvierling!
    Oh, and hidden in the back they also have a heavy 18 ton SdKfz 9 Halftrack Type F3.
  • Aircraft and naval technology
    They have a mini submarine “Seehund” U-boot Type XXVII like in Bremerhafen and a Jumo 004B jet engine used to power the Messerschmitt ME 262 jet fighter
  • Communications, electronic and optical equipment
    A Kommandogerät 40 predictor is on display
  • Personal clothing and equipment

Underneath are a few pictures of the collection to give an impression of the museum.

Sd.Kfz. 231 Type GS
Heavy armoured car Sd.Kfz. 231 Type GS – Koblenz – picture 2011
Artillery and AA on display in Koblenz
Artillery and AA as far as the eye can see in the Defense Technology Museum Koblenz – picture 2011
Krupp Flugabwehrkanone 12,8cm FLAK 40/1
A Krupp Flugabwehrkanone 12,8cm FLAK 40/1, German heavy Anti-Air artillery gun – picture 2011
German WWII uniforms in WTS Koblenz Germany
A display of German WW2 uniforms in WTS Koblenz Germany – picture 2011
8 ton Kraus Maffei Zugkraftwagen with Flak Vierling
An 8 ton Kraus Maffei zugkraftwagen Sd.Kfz. 101 Halftrack fitted with 2cm Flak Vierling AA – picture 2011
FAMO 18ton Sd.Kfz.9 F3 of 1943
A massive FAMO 18 ton Schwerer Zugkraftwagen Sd.Kfz. 9 Type F3 from 1943 on display in Koblenz – picture 2011
Henschel HS 293 V4 guided missile
One of the first guided missiles, the Henschel HS 293 V4 on display in Defense Technology Museum, Koblenz, Germany – pic 2011
JUMO 0004B jet engine
Jumo 004B jet engine (1942 – 1943) used to power the Messerschmitt ME 262 jet fighter – Koblenz


For more information about the Defense Technology Museum and the opening hours visit

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