Focke-Achgelis Fa 330 – Bachstelze – German Reconnaissance Autogyro. This unpowered Rotor Kite was pulled by a moving U-boat, the draft made the rotors turn and created a lifting power. It got to max 120 meters high giving the spotter an 45 kilometer 360 vision around the U-boat. Due to the low profile of the U-boat the vision from the conning tower was not much more than 9 kilometer. Unused the Focke-Achgelis was stored in watertight containers and set up by a crew of two in 4 minutes, in calm weather. In rough weather it took about 20 minutes to set the Bachstelze (Wagtail) up.
Photographed in Berlin at the Deutsches Technik Museum in 2016.

Thank you for all the excellent pictures of the BachStelze!