Project Riese
This complex was part of Project Riese and was one of the largest tunnel complex after Osowka. situated in the Owl Mountains it had two levels of tunnels, huge underground halls up to 12m heigh and a total tunnel length of 3100m. No more than 1 percent was reinforced concrete. Four defended tunnels leading into the complex at the mountain base together with guard rooms. A huge shaft is found in the complex of 4 meter in diameter and 40 meters high up the mountain.
There is a second level in Woldarz, some of these higher tunnels were made right above the other and when finished the floor was collapsed to create a higher tunnel or hall. Some tunnel were probably meant as second level, unsure for the complex is unfinished as all tunnel systems in Project Riese are.

The exact purpose of the complexes is not known but it assumable that they were build for subterranean weapon facilities or shelter. There is speculation that one of the complexes was designated to become a new Hitler bunker which was written down in a document called “Geheime Reichssache 91/44”, Secret government business 91/44 from architect Siegfried Schmelcher. Beside a Führer headquarters it should hold space for the OKW and OKL – Ober kommand Heer and Ober kommand Luftwaffe. High command of the German army and airforce. With three mineshafts Owsowka was a huge tunnel complex, it was the second largest of the seven known complexes the Riese project in 2015.
These 7 tunnel complexes are;
Saüferhohen – Osowka
Wolfsberg – Wlodarz
Dorfbach – Rzeczka
Falkenberg – Sokolec
Schloss Fürstenstein – Książ Castle
Oberdorf – Jugowice
Ramenberg – Soboul
None of the seven above were finished, though Osowka is the most finished of the tunnel complexes. Some had part of their tunnels reinforced with concrete but most are still rough stone works. More underground complexes were made in this stage of the war like Mittelbau Dora and Weingut 1, both underground factories on German soil.

Wlodarz – Wolfsberg
Outside the complex are remains of machinery foundations, water reservoirs, a bunker and old bags of cement. The narrow gage railway, mine carts, electric pull lines can still be seen today as the concrete barracks of the SS guards in the vicinity. The tunnels were excavated by forced labourer’s, mostly Jew and most likely from the nearby concentration camp Gross Rosen. They lived in tents and barracks near the complex. AL Wolfsberg housed around 3000 men total.
Complex Włodarz, in Polish, Wolfsberg in German, was evacuated in February 1945 when the Russian Armies approached the complex. From 2004 the complex is open for visitors who can participate on a guided tour.

Over time parts of the complex collapsed or became flooded and are inaccessible. Some parts can be seen by boat. As always check out the website for opening hours and tour times. A helmet is provided by the guide but bring sturdy shoes. You will not walk in knee deep water but the tunnels are damp and they did not dust them off.