The Douaumont Cemetery
There is a cemetery in front of the Douaumont Ossuary. This cemetery contains the remains of 16,142 fallen French soldiers. They died during the battle of Verdun. There is a section for Muslim soldiers from the French colonies where the gravestones face Mecca. This cemetery is the largest First World War cemetery in the area.

Anselin Ernest Francois

Brigadier General Ernest François Amédée Anselin was born on January 16, 1861 and died in the battle of Verdun on October 24, 1916 in Fleury-devant-Douaumont in France.
He was killed by shrapnel in the powder magazine of Fleury-devant-Douaumont near his command post during the preparation of the attack on the fortress of Douaumont on October 24, 1916 at the age of 55. He was buried immediately after his death in a temporary cemetery not far away from his death place. Recognized as “died for France”, his coffin was transferred in 1948 to the military cemetery of Douaumont, where it remains today.

He is one of 42 French generals who died in battle during the First World War.

The Cemetery is open during daytime hours and lies next to the Douaumont Ossuary.