Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180 Vesterhavsbad – German Coastal Battery – Fanø, Denmark

Regelbau R 636 Leitstand, Fire control bunker – Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180 Vesterhavsbad – Fanø, Denmark


The H.K.B. 8./180 was under control of the Wehrmacht as it is a Heeres Küstenbatterie (Eng. Army Coastal battery). The Stützpoint began in open field fortifications in 1941. They had to wait until 1942 until the construction of the concrete bunkers started. Work at the battery was finished in 1944.

Vesterhavsbad is a Danish name, we do not know if this was the original name for the strong point, it just could be H.K.B. 8. /180.

Regelbau R 636 Leitstand, Fire control bunker – Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180 Vesterhavsbad – Fanø, Denmark
Regelbau R 636 Leitstand, Fire control bunker – Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180 Vesterhavsbad – Fanø, Denmark
Regelbau R 636 Leitstand, Fire control bunker – Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180 Vesterhavsbad – Fanø, Denmark
Inside the R 636 Leitstand, Fire control bunker – Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180 Vesterhavsbad – Fanø, Denmark
Inside the R 636 Leitstand, Fire control bunker – Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180 Vesterhavsbad – Fanø, Denmark
Precerved wood Inside the R 636 Leitstand, Fire control bunker – Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180 Vesterhavsbad

Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180

The coastal battery consisted of four gun bunkers Regelbau R 671, a Befehlsstand R 636 (Eng. Command post), two R 502 personnel bunker for 20 men each, two R 134 and one R 607 ammunition bunkers, one R 621 personnel bunker for 10 men, four R 622 personnel bunker for 20 men each, one R 661 Unterstand für Verwundetensammelstelle (Eng, hospital bunker) and a R 645 kitchen. There was a Regelbau L 409A Anti-aircraft position for a 3,7 cm Flak with a R 674 small ammunition bunker, OB Falk stands and Vf 58c Tobruks. The OB Flak is an Anti-air gun in an open bedding, OB in German is “Offene Bettwäsche“. There were multiple tobruk stands for a machine gun or mortar, and not visible anymore, barbed wire defensive, anti-tank obstacles and mine fields.

The battery used captured French 10,5 cm field guns which the Germans called; 10,5 cm Kanonen 331 (f). The guns were built in 1915 by Schneider-Creuzot.

Vf 58c Tobruk and L 409A Flak bunker – Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180 Vesterhavsbad
Inside the Vf 58c Tobruk for machine gun or Mortar – Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180 Vesterhavsbad
Left to right, R 671 10,5cm gun position, L 409A Flak bunker and Vf 58c Tobruk – Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180 Vesterhavsbad
The R 671 bunker for the 10,5 cm gun – Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180 Vesterhavsbad – Fanø, Denmark
Inside the R 671 gun bunker – Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180 Vesterhavsbad
OB Flak Stellung (open bedding) – Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180 Vesterhavsbad – Fanø, Denmark
OB Flak Stellung (open bedding) – Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180 Vesterhavsbad – Fanø, Denmark
OB Flak Stellung (open bedding) – Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180 Vesterhavsbad – Fanø, Denmark


The bunkers lie in the dunes, you can walk up to them but they are not accessible by wheelchairs. You have to park the car near the village and walk or take a bike to get near. Just to the north lies M.K.B. 2./815 Marine Küstenbatterie Gneisenau and it’s 10,5cm Sperrbatterie Gneisenau or Grådyb and a few F-Stand bunkers between both coastal batteries.

L 409A Flak bunker – Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180 Vesterhavsbad – Fanø, Denmark
L 409A Flak bunker – Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180 Vesterhavsbad – Fanø, Denmark
Regelbau 661 personnel bunker – Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180 Vesterhavsbad – Fanø, Denmark
Regelbau 661 personnel bunker – Stützpunkt H.K.B. 8./180 Vesterhavsbad – Fanø, Denmark

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