This Sherman M4A1 medium tank on the Quai du Gravier square in the center of the Belgian town La-Roche-en-Ardenne was placed here on 17 December 2004 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Battle of the Ardennes. It is dedicated to the soldiers of the 2nd and 3rd US Armored Divisions who liberated this town and the surrounding villages in January 1945 during the Battle of the Bulge. The Sherman was put here by the Belgian 1/3 Cavalry Regiment.
It’s only vaguely readable but the tank has the name “Amboy” painted on it’s flanks.

The tank received a full hit penetrating it’s frontal armor as can be seen on the picture below.

The barrel of the Sherman M4A1 is pointing towards another tank monument of a M10 Achilles 17pdr Tank Destroyer further up the hill side across the river Ourthe.
The Sherman replaces a M46 Patton tank that was placed here between 1990 and 2004 as a gift to La-Roche-de-Ardenne by the Infantry school from Arlon.

You can visit this tank memorial on the Quai du Gravier square in the center of the Belgian town La-Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium.